28 September 2012


well! this hasn't happened for a month of sundays. it's been a long week. little babe-a-loo is busting out molars everywhere. this has led to a major regression of nursing, terrible sleep, and short naps. go figure it's currently dinner time and they're both conked out.

i told ryan that when we moved, i got to get a big dog. we just got our new fella today. he's the runt of an already-unwanted litter of a dalmation who jumped a fence and courted a black lab lady. he's got just the bit of white stripe on him, and a black spot . . . on his tongue.
he's already showing himself extremely intelligent, affectionate, happy-go-lucky, and generally awesome.

we're calling him Pio.
Romeo, like all good romeos, is not thrilled about the competition for affection.

what a sweetie-pie! and the grouchy old man. poor Romers. 

on a completely other note, here is one of my favorite of the fixtures. when they "electrified" the house, they just ran cords into all of the old kerosene lamps. this one is in the dining room.

here is an oblique view of the kitchen that makes it look like i am unpacked and orderly. we bought the table with the house . . . or will.

but i'm not posting anymore photos until we actually close. because even as house-buyings go, this is the most dramatic, absurd, tangled saga *I*, for one, have ever heard about a transaction. it's beyond ridiculous.
but we love it here, anyway, all four humans, five animals + counting! and St. Joseph will not abandon us. ever. last note: we had to run into town last night to the old house. when we got out of the car, finn, staring at the street-lamp filled, foggy night, says, "Mama, there should be stars there?" yes, my little man! there should be stars in the sky. sometimes we cannot see them for the lights of the world and the fog of the air, but they are there no less. God wot.

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