19 October 2012

keeping up

forget about keeping up appearances, i'm just trying to keep up.
here is me trying to keep up with Pio:


here is me trying to keep up with Loshie:

here is Pio trying unsuccessfully to look like he's a model dog, who doesn't like popping the boys' bouncy balls or breaking dishes (!!!) or terrorizing cats or digging large holes:

here is Loshie who is still only because he had to stop to turn his tractor after running into an old cast-iron-cooking-pot-cum-herb pot:

here is me trying to keep up with autumn:

here is my sassafrass Nynka:

and here is my sweet son finn, who tells me "you can do it mama!" or "try this one, mama", and generally is sweet and helpful and wonderful and a pill. he is way up high foisting his "light saver".

(and, as he just informed me, he is going to the light saver store. to buy a light saver. obviously.)

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