03 November 2010

the Freedom of Structure

so i haven't been following it perfectly, but i made up a schedule--not for every moment, but for mornings and evenings, in attempt to get in the essentials of every day, and to organize my week in general--roughly after A Mother's Rule, although i haven't actually read it. it is amazing what happens when i do certain things, roughly at a certain time, with each day's duties to be done. i have spare time! extra moments in my day--an amazing thing. i could apply this principle to all sorts of things--morality, art, "roles" of the spouses. the reality, though, is simply that "rules" and "structure" and "order"--all of those now-taboo words--provide *freedom*, because they give tasks to certain moments, leaving the rest . . . for living.


lover of beauty said...

How very, very true, J'aime! I long for such at the moment, but have not yet been home long enough since the wedding to get any semblance of order established. One cannot set a schedule until one's environment is at least livable, but ours is not yet so. Very little place, with all his stuff added in, wedding gifts obstructing pathways, and total chaos generally. Can't wait to get it cleaned up, and then, most assuredly, there will be a schedule! :)

j'aime said...

i understand, believe me! and it is so fatally easy to fall away from discipline, even when things are in relative order. i am trying to ready my soul for these next weeks or months, when circumstances will not be so accommodating. but, one does the best with what one has, and that is all we are asked to do.
cannot wait to see you, my dear friend!

chelsea said...

It's really enjoying to read your blog, your post are very informative, thanks for the sharing,

God bless..

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