13 June 2014

Summer Dress

I got a New Dress!!!!!

i have several dresses that i really love, but the whole nursing thing makes dimensions a bit . . . difficult. they just don't quite, you know, zip. Which is a problem, kinda.

This dress is a triumph of multiple vices: social media, adverts, and impulse buying.

but it has BIRDS on it!!!! and it's COTTON!!! and it FITS!!!!! like, my waist and my top! at the same time! and i can nurse in it!

it doesn't get much better than that. (except when the belt is tied properly. it looks better then.)

anyway, needless to repeat. mi piace.


lover of beauty said...

J'aime, you are beautiful. And that is a gorgeous dress. And you in those pictures, especially the top one, look very "refined farmhouse wife," which is a good thing, in case you're wondering. :-)

Catherine said...

Love the dress!!

Laura Christine said...

You look great, Jaime! Lovely dress. (Tried to comment earlier but had trouble with it.)

j'aime said...

thanks, ladies! i still get that giddiness when i look at it, that one that lets you know it was a good choice.