15 December 2010

quick update from the Old Dominion

i have a whole little log about our trip down & all, but it is somewhere in our still-full car and i do not want to go out in the very Very Cold to get it for you. so you will have to wait. suffice to say that we are here, with our dear friends in strasburg. finn tolerated the car, overall, surprisingly well and i am so very proud of him. i bawled like a small child when we said good-bye to artemis--saying goodbye to dear dallas friends was too emotional to cry. we are moving our things into storage tomorrow, checking out houses or at least fredericksburg, wedding on saturday, and michigan when we feel like it since my mum has decided not to have surgery as scheduled.
we are happy to be here, albeit *very* tired still and trying to make heads and tails of things. please keep all of this move-job-house business in your prayers.

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