21 October 2010

(not) Weaning

oh, no; not even close. holy cats, batman, not even close. it is not an easy thing, i assure you. i would love for him to be weaned . . . but he clearly is not ready, not emotionally or psychologically or even, i think, physically. i suppose he knows what his little body needs, and since he is *very slowly* beginning to outgrow some of his food allergies--at least one, if not two--i do not want to push him to wean, especially since the stress of that could augment his allergies or cause new ones. no, thank you!
otherwise, things are going so well. he is such a dear boy . . . a couple of days ago he started saying daddy: "dah-ee!" and now says it all the time. not just a new word, either--it means something to him, very much. it is as if he is so delighted that he can express his desire for his daddy that each new enunciation is a delight to him. he knows several animals sounds, although his favorite by far is "dog" and he will walk around woofing to himself. he really likes dogs.
ryan has finished his dissertation and i have been editing it; not for content, of course, but for nit-picky "english" things like split infinitives, commas, and noun-pronoun & noun-verb agreement. considering he wrote several portions of it well past midnight or after waking at 4 a.m., it is not surprising that some of these should be a little wonky. but it is an impressive piece of work, that's for sure. small wonder that our kid is so smart, with that daddy! (i'm not saying i'm stupid, not at all, but ryan's mind is . . . amazing unique thorough discerning etcetera).
that is all, for now. we ordered some photos off shutterfly, and i delight in looking at my boy through the past year. he is so darn cute and funny and wonderful. as long as this next one is as awesome as he is . . .

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