27 May 2010

Belated Update

Rather belated, although not much news to report. Daily life includes, lately:

  • Finn is growing, growing, growing. although still not quite crawling, he gets closer to it, daily. he is very strong, and very fun, and the delight of my heart. he now sports two bottom teeth and is adept at spinning 'round on his belly. he also delights in "moo baa la"--our version of this delightful story. all farm-animal noises are likely to produce a lull in squally weather and extra cheer in sunny weather.
  • Soon and very soon i shall be high-tailing it off to south dakota, where i shall be for almost two blessed weeks before my dear friend's wedding: oh frabjous day!
  • my sister has gone, precipitating the mass exodus that shall occur this summer. such is the peril of an academic-based social circle. however, my sister shall be here this autumn (credit: UD website) while i piffle away.
  • The Lord Peter Wimsey mysteries are on YouTube! this is a glorious thing for all sayers fans. the one disappointment is that Ian Carmichael, while excellent at piffle himself, is not exactly DLS's sleek, lithe detective--a bit middling around the waist, one might say.
  • i have belatedly been introduced to Foyle. i am delighted to make his acquaintance.
that's all for now. i shall post some new photos of my darling son when i get around to it.
cheer-frightfully-ho, for now . . .

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