30 April 2010

consumer world

shopping is my soul-barometer.  if all is well, or at least if my attitude towards the world is right, then i am content to let things look lovely in the store.  if i have stress, anger, anxiety, insecurity, then the wallet falls wide open and things sort of leap into the shopping cart.  i fell in love, almost literally, with these pajamas from hanna andersson.  alas, when they went on sale, they sold out in a couple of hours or so.  i finally tracked some down, right here in dallas! and put the last pair on hold.  i went to the mall today to pick them up.  i do love them.  i am glad i have them.  but as far as the rest of the stores . . . malls can be horrible places.  they can feel so trapping and smothering and awful.  while it is a good sign that consumerism's siren call was failing today, i look back over the past couple of weeks and hang my head at my spend-thriftiness.  BUT i found this great song and i think it might keep me going, at least for a little while . . .

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