14 April 2014

Monday, Monday

so, a while back, we got this catalog full of super cheap trees. it said they were small--really small, like two feet.
well, okay, we thought. we don't really care. for $2 a tree, we can wait a few years for fruit.
then they sent the "trees", and they're sticks.
sticks with roots.
so we planted these "trees", and now we have these random sticks in our yard, and i water them.
"elderberry" stick

the full absurdity of it hit me today: i'm watering sticks..

then i see that a practically new pair of shorts--i just got them out YESTERDAY--has a big ol' hole ripped in the bum.
"WHY!", i think, but since i "try not to yell", i moderate my voice as much as possible.
"why do your brand new shorts have a hole in them? how did that *happen*?!"
"oh, i don't know. probably playing in the thorn bushes."
"you are not allowed to play in thorn bushes!!!"
i give up.


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