13 November 2011


Ah, birthdays. I'm sort of a little kid about them, especially mine. I love festivity and decorations and, of course, presents.
Being a Momma makes for a whole different sort of birthday. My "new year" began with a mid-night trip to the hospital. Daddy took the toddler to the ER with a bad attack of croup. Thankfully the baby slept in--he'd been waking up at about 6.20 since the time change--so things could have been much worse. In fact, it ended up being a nearly perfect day: the weather was mild and sunny, which allowed for a lovely run with the boys in our "new" double jogging stroller; hubs took the boys so I could ride and I had a brilliant ride on Nynka; we all drank pints of tea and watched movies and played outside all the rest of the day. Last night I slathered Buddy-Boy with Peppermint Essential Oil, and one called Peace & Calming, and he slept soundly all night long, with no wheezing or rasping or anything--simply wonderful! And we all awoke fresh and happy.
November gets a bad rap in most fiction and poetry, but I've always loved the fading autumn, and here it is the best I've ever seen. The leaves still are changing color, giving us nearly a month of brilliance. The greatest gift I had yesterday was unadulterated joy at my myriad blessings, not least of which is to be back here, in this heart-achingly beautiful country that will always, I think, have my heart.

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