26 October 2011

Things You Never Thought You Would Say

As a parent, I've found that all sorts of things leave my mouth that never occurred to me that I wouldn't say, things like:

- We don't lick yaks. Who would have thought this would be a problem? But, you know how most alphabet books have a yak for Y? My son likes to lick them. Don't ask. I don't know.

- Don't lick the bubbles. Apparently he just likes to lick things?

- No drinking maple! This one is a bit more plausible. One of my sisters used to hide in the fridge and pump Hershey's syrup into her mouth.

- The trash stays IN the trash. I've said this to dogs before, but not to kids. But my son really likes trash: As in, playing with it.

- Put the poopy diaper IN the trash. My son likes to "throw away" his diapers. See above.

- We do not sing the Pie Song in church. My husband starting singing him "The Day the Music Died" as a bedtime song. We all rue the day, for my son sings it everywhere. He calls it the Pie Song.

contributions, anyone?


Clashing Symbol said...

What about the 80th verse of that song that talks about the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?

Myeika said...

I know how you feel and what you are talking about . My kids say some of the craziest things at the wrong time also.