04 August 2010

no bend in the road

life never really "gets easier," does it? there is no mythical point or event that magics things to be hunkey-dory or smooth sailing. i have been thinking very  much lately about anne shirley's "bend in the road." we have watched others, one by one in swift progression, follow the bend in their roads, leading away from here and away from us. what looked like a bend in our road has turned into, perhaps, a zig-zag; we are here for the duration. so, to glean another quote from anne's stories, it is time to "gird up our loins and hoe in," as we prepare . . . to stay. who would have thought that homeostasis could be so wearing? is this not what we are made for? but contentment must be in the here and now, or it will never be, at all.
that's all i have to say, for now. my mind is sort of numb, and i am trying very hard to take one day, one moment, at a time. Godspeed to all of our dear friends!

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