22 August 2010

lessons from the Magadalen

Crucifixion - Bernardo Daddi
vatican museum - Crucifixion triptych

i took this photo, rather in a rush, and cannot find a better image anywhere. these others i found were the closest thing to capturing the same emotion of Mary Magdalen's face torn with grief. there is no simpering piety here, simply the unbelievable pain of watching her Beloved suffer unthinkable tortures and then die.
this is what holiness is, and there can be no delusions about this if we are to attain that for which we strive. "he who loves much, is forgiven much." if somehow we--if I--can remember that this is what love is, if we can embrace this manifestation of love, then all these trials that can seem so overwhelming will be so easy, or at least bearable, and . . . and what? and i am going to stop because all of the phrases that come to mind are so painfully cheesy and platitudinous.
Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Niccolò di Buonaccorso 
(image courtesy of Christie's)

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