27 October 2009

life and photos

i have updated the flikr site with a few baptism photos and a couple of random ones. he has sort of started to smile; every once in a great while i get one. he was smiling at katy and i when we were changing him the other day; i tried to get a picture of it but just ended up with this:

he's been having a little bout with eczema; i'm taking him in to a super alternative doctor as soon as the blasted insurance company finally adds him. he's still sleeping well at night, thank the good Lord and please God it will continue; days have been a bit rougher but he is a sweet baby. i am glad that he cuddles.
i sort of finished the afghan, but as soon as i get up the nerve i am going to rip out the last couple dozen rows and redo it, 'cause it's something of a mess. i am returning to dance as soon as i can figure out the best way to do so, as all my classes are right over his fussy time. ryan is leaving this weekend for a conference at Ol' Miss', which is a very good thing, and i puddle with gratitude that God saw fit to syncopate finn's arrival with katy's, who will be staying with me this weekend whilst husband is gone.
being a mother is sort of overwhelming, in every possible way . . .

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