16 February 2009

Keeping the Sabbath

last week i made the resolution to work like crazy all week, with the idea that i would do nothing on sunday.  i got a surprising amount accomplished.  sunday morning we got up for high Mass at the carmel (despite my current umbrage with the traditionalists), which was lovely, and then enjoyed a laid-back brunch at home.  i decided i would read a little bit (Lord of the Rings, for the 87th time) and then drifted off for a two hour nap.  this is, for me, truly a sign of blessing.  i rarely am able to nap, even now, but the knowledge of having done everything i needed to prepare for this week took all the pressure off.  it was a lovely, leisurely day, and i think i'm going to try to keep this up.  as long as felix doesn't keep keeping me up, that is . . . 


lover of beauty said...

Love the new look of your blog! Hope all is well with you.

La Bibliotecaria Laura said...

I took a nap on Sunday, too. It was lovely...
Pieper is great. I attended a Pieper conference in Austria a few years ago. I think I read everything, including his excellent autobiography, _No One Could Have Known_. _Only the Lover Sings_ is one of my favorites, as is _End Times_.

Happiness and Contemplation is up there, too. Although I am troubled by his over reliance on the coin being stamped metaphor for the soul.

The 4 Cardinal Virtues should be read by everyone. :)