14 February 2009


heheh . . . in more ways than one . . . seriously, though, i have finally, i think, managed some sort of schedule.  i've gotten all my hours in for one job, started seriously working on chp. 1 of Thesis, swept the floor almost every day, and i even dusted today!  hooray for dusting!  and all on a regularly interrupted sleep, because felix has decided he must yeowl every night and keep us up for several hours.  we have resorted to the spray bottle, but even that is having only minimal effect.  stupid cat.  so, before i tackle my students' essays, which i need to return to them on monday, i thought i would be REALLY efficient and update my blog!  yay!  there is still plenty i haven't gotten done, and i've definitely wasted plenty of time, but at least i'm getting better.  things cannot all come together just in one week, and i'm trying to cut myself a little more slack these days, both in my trousers and my schedule.  so, without further ado, have a wonderful life 'til the next time, and may you find joy in preparing for Lent.
Footnote:  Artemis just tore through a hole in the screen and jumped out on the carport (we're on the 2nd floor).  i talked to her while ryan went outside to try to get her, but that was sort of awkward so i bent the screen and called her.  luckily she came right to me; i think she was a little nervous, even though she was so very curious.  i got her in and slammed the window shut; she went right back to it to try to get out again.  i didn't think of taking photos until she was safe.

1 comment:

La Bibliotecaria Laura said...

Hi! I stumbled over here from Anna's blog. I love all things Carmelite and have read a lot of Josef Pieper, too.
