so, it's been a little while since i last posted ... my last semester of official course work has officially ended. i decided to not take comps this semester, which sounded stressful, and instead take them next semester, right before the wedding, which will be much less stressful ... or not ... except i'm not ready to take my language exam.
like many linguists, my thoroughly francophile french teacher is more than a little eccentric, and has made learning this language a very special experience. when he introduced us to a new verb form, one fellow asked if we leave off the plural endings when pronouncing the words, as in other forms. the good doctor's face contracted a look of profound offense, and he uttered this pronouncement: "You never leave them off; you always don't say them." mea maxima culpa!
otherwise, i am home in michigan. life is delightful with sisters, nephew, ponies, warm fuzzies (cats), and our extremely affectionate rescue dog, goldberry. my darling is not here - it will be our last Christmas apart, as our nuptials are scheduled to take place exactly twenty-three weeks from today. in the meanwhile, he will be gearing up for dissertation while teaching at a community college and possibly training for a marthon. i will be writing my MA thesis on Eliot & French Symbolists, scampering to get last-minute wedding details together, and ... finishing my language, courtesy of dr. maddux and albert camus.
this amazing picture of us is courtesy of emma lindley, a very gracious friend of ours in the dallas circle.
Most blessed last days of Advent!
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