17 February 2013


our kitchen was redone only five or six years ago, but oh man i cannot wait to change it up. we are going to do a sort of temporary renovation until we can afford to knock the wall down between it and the dining room. that will give us a much, much more livable, usable space. until then, however, we're going to put in a farmhouse sink, rearrange some of the cupboards (or hopefully just take them out: i very much prefer shelving!), and: Painting! hurray!
when the seller redid the kitchen, he painted it a very, very pale yellow. at certain times of day, in certain lights, it was fine. but those super-pale colors really bug me. i call them almost-colors, and they to me are too much of a concession to the modern craze for neutrality. don't get me wrong: i really like browns and creams, and they can make for a lovely room, peaceful and gentle. but when *everything* is "neutral" . . . it can seem as if the tenant is only renting a house. that's when it all started, as people started moving every 5 years or so and didn't want to have to paint all the time. so they really were just tenants, and the house a house more than a home. in my opinion, and i'm sure plenty of you disagree!
but you can see, in certain lights and angles, the old yellow is visible. almost. an almost-yellow. but the new one? color!
i did think about more "neutral" tones, but i couldn't get excited about them, and they seemed so not-fitting for this space. so. hopefully these turn out; we are happy to be doing a bit more to make this our home.


Laura Christine said...

So I just discovered you've been posting again. I thought I had your blog entered in my blog reader but I guess not. I'll be catching up tonight!

Laura Christine said...

P.S. Hooray for color! I spontaneously painted the inside of our front door red, a few months ago. Makes me happy every time I look at it.

j'aime said...

thanks, laura! and i have not updated all of my side bars in a while. i will be sure to add you when i do!