07 July 2012

sudden storms

this was a while ago; i meant to post it, then couldn't (or didn't) do it straight away; then, of course, i forgot.
it was a hot sultry day and the boys were going sort of berserk. then the grey rolled into the sky and the cannon thunder boomed so i opened the front door and the boys couldn't get enough of it:

Finn found a puddle in a sway-backed slab of sidewalk, and proceeded to do what one ought to do in a rain puddle, especially if one is a two year old boy.

of course, then Alex thought that he should join in. because that's what little brothers do best.

he also thought it would be really funny to run away in the rain, and make mama chase him. he did this several times.

but then he made up for it by standing there looking really cute and being really happy in the rain.

and Finn thought the puddle wasn't quite wet enough, so he found the downspout. which is as it should be.
and they were happy.
the end.

1 comment:

lover of beauty said...

adorable :-)