20 April 2012

poetry and prose

well, i had a longish rambling post and then it disapperated, true to the way of things lately. i do not have anything left to say, or the energy to resay what i had already said. so all i can say is that we need hope. lots of hope. and i need mercy, and healing, and sleep. the last few weeks have been rougher than life has been in a long time--not just lack of sleep, but that sort of feeling of being turned inside out, of having one's deepest inmost places scoured clean. or maybe just scoured. or scourged. or soured. or . . . or . . . yeah. so here's my lame attempt at a blogging come-back. it's just how things things are right now. but the brilliant mr. hatke posted this little comic a few days ago. and father gave a highly apropos homily today. there are little graces here there and everywhere, really, if i have the strength and courage to acknowledge and use them. like the broken, shining little hope at the bottom of pandora's box. and that's all i have to say. peace out

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