10 October 2010

the House Next Door

air conditioning in october? seriously? seriously?? alas, dear friends, it is the case. it is like an inverse narnia. BUT things are looking up, and the weather IS cooling, surely albeit slowly. in the meanwhiles, to keep dreams alive . . .
aristotle says that there are "impossible-probables" and "improbable-possibles." i saw this house in strasburg. it sits on 7 acres, next to my dear hatke friends, with fences and ponds and some cute (and not-so-cute) outbuildings. it is neither of aristotles probable-possibles, just flat-out improbable AND impossible. but someday, my friends, some day . . . finn + [?] will have goats and chickens and ponies and a dog--maybe even two! and we will have a home like this.

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