25 December 2009

. . . If Only in My Dreams

and it is Christmas. i am taking a moment to hide from the mayhem and finding asylum from the television screen in my computer screen. hm.
we are so very blessed, and it is so wonderful to have family. Finn got some very beautiful wooden toys and a jumpy--very excited about that! i think it will enable me to "get things done," all the very mundane things that must be done with or without a baby.
i am keenly feeling the lack of Christmas traditions this year. i keep telling myself i will establish more traditions when the kid, or kids, are older, but i realized this year that i need them for myself, too. after all, i want to teach the liturgical year to my children because it is of worth in itself, and in order for them to understand that, they need to see it in me, too. (yes, i am already pluralizing. i strongly doubt Finn will be an only child, somehow.)
haunting this Christmas, though, is the terrible longing for the snapping cold, for my own family and our traditions.
sometimes the little bird sings a bittersweet song.

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