12 October 2009

nifty things

my sister-in-law told me about a t-shirt she saw at a maternity shop, boasting "i'm so crafty, i make people." i am not particularly crafty, but i do enjoy it when i have sufficient time to indulge creativity. sara also introduced me to this nifty site. i am excited to explore it. as soon as i finish the eternal afghan, which hopefully will not be too much longer, i hope to embark on a knitted hat for Finn.
speaking of which, i am working on uploading photos to my Flickr account. if you are interested in seeing what is already up there (including honeymoon photos from ireland), you can go here and then look for gipsyjaime. we started putting him in little man clothes, and he looks . . . like a little man. how is my baby already growing so quickly?!


Niall said...

Congratulations Jaime and a big welcome to your bundle of joy! Hope you are loving Mommyhood and that you can visit Virginia some time and show him around! I tried looking at pics of yours in flickr but it asked me if I meant to search for "capiscum". How is this anything like gypsyjaime? BTW, this is Sherry, not Niall. Ciao and God bless!

j'aime said...

hmmm . . . i shall make sure all the settings are right: also, notice that it is "gipsy" with an i. great to hear from you; being a momma is a little crazy, and i need to meet both of your sons!

Laura S. said...

Hi Jaime! I, too, was unable to find your pics on Flickr. Looking forward to seeing more photos of little Finn. I've been thinking of you!

Love, Laura