22 July 2009

who says americans are overweight?

if this is so, why are there never any smalls left???
and, regarding the works in progress:
we're fixing the air conditioner. it has cooled off this week from the low 100s to the low 90s, so it is a good time to do so. the "lacy baby afghan" is coming along (from ruth: did you hear TSA confiscated this old lady's knitting needles? they were afraid she would knit an afgan.). i think i have repeated 16 times now--only 44 left to go! i am doing the fifth revision of my thesis, so hopefully i can hand it in and my panel will sign that magic dotted line that means i am a free woman with an MA. my pointe shoes are not fitting on my feet so well these days. i showed up to the intermediate class this week (for quite some time now i've been lazy in beginners), the week that three dancers from the dallas ballet company decided to come. they had their knees to their heads; i was hoping i wouldn't fall over on the ponche. ah, c'est la vie; so good for humility!
and, of course, the main work in progress:
33 weeks and counting. oh yes, i am counting, and beginning to pray with desperation that this little one is early. i was reading that at this point, "your baby will be sleeping 90-95% of the time." not our baby!!!
over and out, 'til next time . . .

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