02 June 2009

little update

of course, as usual, everything has been crazy. i spent a week home with my family--first time to see them since Christmas!--for my sister's graduation . . . the first of the "little girls," none of whom are so very little anymore. i forgot the camera, but michigan in spring is beautiful and pleasant, and late may is still spring in the north country.
i flew home for a whirlwind anniversary: hoorah for one year! and then my darling turned around and left the next day to work in florida, grading AP government exams in orlando
for a week. artemis and i both miss him something fierce.
still finishing up thesis; in fact, i shall cut short this post to work on revisions, but should be set to graduate in august.
i leave you with baby gorman. this is about a month old now; i am just a week or so away from starting month seven. but, "still good!" (yes: names, first and last, and age are all wrong. sigh)

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