02 April 2009


did i really only post once in march?  i meant to post more . . . april means that holy week and Easter are peeking around the corner--it is already Passion-tide.  it also means that the insanity that has been my life for the past semester is drawing to an end.  
already i only have five more weeks left of teaching -- oh frabjous day!  callooh!  callay! and i am working on the rough draft of chapter three of thesis:  that means just intro and conclusion, and of course revision, and then i'll finally actually have my stinking degree!  after three years!  my former prof pretty much hated chapter two, but current thesis director said it's in "pretty good shape".  i think i'll stick with the latter opinion.  
darling husband is gone until late tomorrow night, presenting a paper at the midwest political science association in chicago.  it
sounds impressive, but it's also the sort of thing that is having a gay/ lesbian/ bisexual caucus tonight.  i'm glad i'm not there -- hubs probably is, too, 'cause i get "realmad" at that sort of thing.  but i have the best neighbors ever, so i've been pretty well taken care of today and will continue to be -- thanks, allison & ruthie!
ryan has his computer, too, so i can't download any photos of "my favourite things" or of my baby bump.  yes, there is a quite distinct bump at 17 weeks, simply because there is no where else for Bean to go, on account of my severe short-waistedness.
in the meantime, since i think posts sans photos are boring, here are a brace of ballet photos that i found today that i think are nifty.
i know it's passe to talk about the weather, but i am going to because it's been so delightful: 60s and 70s, stormy, windy, and most of all, cool!  i am NOT looking forward to the hot hot weather and am so grateful that it is taking its time in coming.
also, i must mention my little cyclamen plant.  it has been at the grocery store for the past month.  no one wanted it because it was not as bloomy as all the rest--oh, the mistake all those people made!  for there are myriad of little tiny bloomlings down at the bottom that are rapidly rising to the top with some normal water and good ol' sunshine . . . because my darlingest husband, who has very little understanding for my love of plants and flowers, bought it for me!  i will post a photo of it whenever i get around to "my favourite things".
in the meantime, i have a large stack of essays and midterms that i still have not graded, and chapter three is calling out to me . . .

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