15 November 2008

Song of the South

this weekend finds us in lubbock, TX, at the UD undergraduates' moot court competition at the Texas Tech law school.  on the drive out, we saw lots of this:  (see vintage post card at right).  okay, except there were huge unwieldy machines instead of human people out there harvesting the cotton.  we also saw lots of wind turbines, oil fields, and cacti.  also, i'll have you know, i successfully maneuvered a 15-passenger around town, including backing it up in a parking lot.

teaching lately has been little short of a nightmare.  the caliber of students is not the highest ever, and i am still learning, which is not a fabulous combination.  i do like teaching, but it is exhausting and sometimes frustrating.  the thesis is going well, though.  my new director is, in her words, "cracking the whip over me," which is exactly what i need.  i am currently plowing through utilitarians, which will lead me to pater, wordsworth, and lovely things, as well as very ugly things masquerading as lovely things.  to get to the fun stuff, though, to see the edifice rise in lovely form, i must for now labor at the foundation.
there is no other news for now, EXCEPT that my incredible husband gave me a cast iron tea kettle for my birthday!  i will post pictures of it soon.  it's red, square, wee, and lovely, and a perfect addition for my Banish Plastic mission.  also, dear ruth gave me shopping bags! from this very cool web site.  one more step to hippiness, as well!  hooray for hippie housekeeping!

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