29 November 2008

Enchanted Rock: It's Enchanting!

After a wonderful Thanksgiving with the in-laws, Friday found us--my husband, brother-in-law, and nephew and I--driving out Fredericksburg way for a visit to Enchanted Rock.  It's one of the world's largest rocks, the largest being in Australia.  It was incredible, and so lovely to be out and about.  It has lots of rock climbing routes, although I was not able to go on any.  I was not even up for bouldering--a lot harder than rock walls at the climbing gym!  Clearly it has been far too long since I did some real climbing.
We forgot the camera, so I don't have any photos unless I can figure out how to download them from Ryan's phone.  In the meantime, enjoy the rest of the weekend!
(my apologies for the lame title.  it's too lame to resist.)

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