I sat upon the shore Fishing, with the arid plain behind me Shall I at least set my lands in order?
~ the Waste Land
20 June 2008
These are the only presentable things in our house at the moment. The top two pictures are of Felix, the first cat that Ryan found, or that found Ryan. He is about six months old and we have had him for about three of those. Here, he is whining and pouting because of the arrival of Artemis. She is about three weeks old; my husband found her in the bushes last night and brought her home. Ryan has done an amazing job with the renovations; I will be posting photos of it as soon as things are not so chaotic.
apparently being married causes one to use capital letters. it is wonderful, in every way, and i am so happy.
awww such beautiful kitties!!!! i would like to come and see them in person sometime. i love you!
awww such beautiful kitties!!!! i would like to come and see them in person sometime. i love you!
Ohh, we looove kitties! Our Penny is getting to be SO big now. She's being ornery this morning.
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