my main concern was the nest of birds in the courtyard, but felix is not the brightest or nimblest of them all, and the very cute babies have safely flown the nest; a testament to st. francis. ryan has pictures of them, which i will try to post at some point.
here are a couple of generic picture of kansas, in the meantime. ruth and i went to visit TAC friends in wichita, which is the closest thing to a pattern language city that i have ever seen. every time i go to kansas, i become more enamoured with it. this weekend is houston, which will not be nearly so relaxing or beautiful, but will be with (almost) family, and so very good in its own way.

"gold is just a windy kansas wheat field / blue is just a kansas summer sky"
What a beautiful picture! I love those open vistas in Kansas, and some of John Denver's music marries the visuals so well. I found your blog when I was searching for images of Kansas. Interestingly, I also enjoy Abbey Washburn and Uncle Earl. Are you familiar with Abbey's bf's music, that of Bela Fleck?
I invite you to my website, which is a journey into remembering Truth through the teachings found in "A Course In Miracles". You may particularly enjoy the page on "Surrender". The url is . Congratulations on your upcoming life changes! Sounds very exciting! -Amy
kansas is, indeed, beautiful, although i unfortunately cannot take credit for the photos ("generic images"). while not extensively acquainted with bela fleck, i do enjoy his music, as well, along with the Be Good Tanyas.
your site is very interesting. i am a "Traddie" (traditional latin rite Roman Catholic), but owe a lot to various non-Catholic friends in my past.
marriage is glorious.
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