Academia Nut?
i am gearing up for another re-write, thanks to a very gracious professor. i have a never ending war with academia. according to my way of thinking, if we're all academics here, then i shouldn't have to spell out every step of my argument - you should be able to complete the enthymeme all by your own self. and yet, i strongly admire the precision, dedication, and thoroughness of the true academic, which i just do not have. i have come to the conclusion, therefore, that i need not to get my PhD, and write stories instead. i most definitely still need to hone my skills for such an art, but my poor brain can make all the connections it wants and present them in a (hopefully) tidy little metaphor, without having to bother with all the syllogism of it.
the philosopher-b
rained may say that metaphors with all their syllogistic ducks in a row are more adequate. perhaps they are, for philosophers. and not to knock the necessity of skill, precision, and technique, which are all required in art. i realize that. but i can handle that, if i am allowed a little bit of imagination.
also, this is my Christmas gift from My Most Wonderful. i am ecstatic about it! which makes me think i must be getting old, if i am waxing ecstatic over mixers. and it is RED!!!!
stories, babies, ponies, chickens, and all the Aristotle and Aquinas to my most wonderful of darlings, and i will play guitar and write stories, and speak French to our children...and bake bread.
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