i've been having frequent conversations lately about what is the strange nebulous thing we try to find called "God's will." i have personally come to the conclusion that, unless it's a vocation, and usually a vocation to the priesthood, God's will is not some one specific thing we are supposed to do. it is not one person we are "supposed" to marry, one school we "ought" to attend, one and only one path to holiness and sanctity. in light of the fact that God, the consummate Gentleman, so utterly and completely respects our free will, i am strongly inclined to think that God's will is for us to pursue virtue, righteousness, integrity, and most of all humility. He works through the events of our lives, through our desires, emotions, intuition, and whatnot, but i'm pretty sure that, overall, as long as we are not pursuing something questionable or downright sinful, what we do with our lives is more or less our decision. we pray, fast, celebrate, and live joyful, full lives for His glory. that is His will. i am becoming increasingly alarmed as i see people paralyzed with the fear that they might not be "doing God's will," or others endlessly spinning their wheels waiting for God's will to come knocking on the front door with an introductory flier, or the "God's will" instruction manual to appear in the mailbox. (okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but y'all know what i mean.)
so -- go live lives of freedom and joy, because His death transmitted through the Sacraments has made us free, and whomever the Son has made free, is free indeed.
I think I'd put it pretty simply: We know that God wants us all to flourish, and He wants us to make good use of the gifts and talents He has given us. So, really, discerning God's Will for us is a matter of figuring out how to use well that which He has given us. Using these things well is going to include helping ourselves and others to grow in virtue and holiness. Decisions are more and less in line with God's Will insofar as they contribute to these ends.
How is that?
Even discerning a sacerdotal or religious life is still a matter of considering one's gifts and talents, and figuring out if you would be able to flourish and contribute to others' flourishing in such a life.
very well said, triumvir. i think i have also discussed before the trap of "if i don't want to do it, that must mean that i'm *supposed* to." God speaks largely through our desires. it is the rare person who is called to sacrifice his strongest desires in order to do something greater.
Jaime ~
Thanks for posting this! It was very helpful ~ especially as I am one of those souls paralyzed by fear of "not doing God's will!"
BTW - Congrats on your engagement! Many prayers and blessings to y'all!
thanks, mikaela! planning is overwhelming, but super exciting.
rejoice in Him!
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