04 September 2006

darling do you?*

yesterday's Gospel was Luke 17:11-19 (by the old calendar), about the ten lepers who were healed and only one returned. although he had already been healed, when the leper returns to Christ, Our Lord says to him, " thy faith has made you whole.' " physical health does not necessitate spiritual health. the whole point of being Catholic is that we are made whole by the Sacrifice of Calvary, through the sacraments. we are called to be not just holy but whole. the leper was made whole when he returned to thank God. we are made whole through, praise, thanksgiving, and trust. the Offeratory verse confirms this: "In thee, O Lord, have I hoped: I said, Thou art my God, my times are in Thy hands." (Ps. 30:15-16) we are reminded of this at the beginning of every (tridintine) Mass, as the priest stands at the foot of the altar and reechoes the israelites' psalm in exile: "For Thou, O God, art my strength ... O send out Thy light and Thy truth: they have led me and brought me unto Thy holy hill, even unto Thy tabernacles ... why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquiet within me? Hope thou in God: for yet will I praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God." Scripture reminds us over and over to praise God, to give Him thanks for having healed us at our very foundations. in constantly praising Him, our focus will be turned towards the countless gifts we receive every day, personally, from His hands and our eyes will be made light. "all that i am is thine, and all that i have is thine, through Mary, Thy most holy and immaculate mother." in Him is found all joy, such great joy that we ought to raise our voices with Our Lady. how easy it is to forget! how easy it is to become bound by fear, pessimism, despair, even. "life isn't easy and truth's a dreadful beauty." (abigail washburn) life can seem unbearably cruel and deceptive. our only hope for joy is to trust that God is not, that He is love and gives love and breathes love, and desires our happiness far more than we do ourselves.

also, go here, which will cause provoking thoughts. and here, which will cause great amusement.
*title of a great song by a little group called lylas: "darling do you want to live again? the broken parts will mend." a reminder that we are to be whole people, although i kind of doubt the band had Luke's gospel in mind when they wrote the song.

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