08 September 2011

What To Do on a Rainy Day When Your Toddler Has Refused Naps for the Last Two Days and Awoken at 4 a.m.

1) Take random mid-week trip to grocery store (aka "choo-choo store"; huzzah for wegmans). Purchase gluten-free cinnamon buns. Come home, make coffee, and try to stay awake.

2) Feed horses, being sure volatile toddler pours grain into buckets. He won't be able to sit on the horses, since they're soaking wet, but be sure he can do something.

3) Stop at hardware store to purchase dowel rods, and punch holes in pie-plates (obtained from previous trip to grocery store), and string up over garden in an effort to discourage blankety-blank chipmunks/birds/squirrels that are digging up fall vegetables.

4) Walk downtown to a) mail package, b) stock up on meat & milk from butcher (also a "special drink" to mollify angry tired son), c) possibly purchase boots from military surplus for horse chores.

5) Above all, try not to shoot oneself, or drink *entire* bottle of gin.

i'll check back in and let you know how this goes. it isn't even 7 yet, and thankfully Loshie-pants went back to sleep. poor kid! his tired cranky brother has woken him up every single time he's tried to sleep for the last 2+ days.

1 comment:

M' Lady's Topsail said...

Praying you're getting more sleep these days!