01 September 2011


hey y'all . . . did you know it was September? i didn't. and when my computerized calendar told me today, i refused to believe it. i had to check two others before i would accept that today is, in fact 1 September 2011.
i'm sorry i haven't posted more photos. i have been intending to do so, i promise . . . just haven't been able to! and it's been one heck of a crazy week.
i went to my first fiddle lesson in about three weeks today, and took my great-uncle chuck's violin. it is beautiful, so beautiful, and makes me want to weep. i wish i were more worthy of it, but i shall do my best, and valiantly, i hope!
sweet virginia is blessing us with her cool, crisp, glorious autumn evenings. autumn is beginning to creep over everything, like afternooon shadows. this is the most beautiful time of year in one of the most beautiful places in the world.
something is digging in my garden, and i am *not* happy about it. i'm not sure if it's a squirrel or other rodent or one of the ten bizillion cats infesting our neighborhood, but it is frustrating. in the words of my dear friend, "why can't things just GROW when i plant them?!" it makes me think of the people who settled this country. i have a teeny little garden in my urban little back yard to sort of ease into this gardening thing. they had huge gardens that had to grow or they would die. and sometimes things didn't grow, and they did die. sobering thought.
we had dinner with a family from church last night. they are charming, delightful people whom we hope to get to know much, much better. as we were enjoying our end of dinner drinks and conversation, ryan took Finn in for a diaper change. i won't go into details: the bathtub had to be commandeered, and with kids we can have no pretensions, at all. but we enjoyed the evening nonetheless, and my boys are wonderful troopers. i love them very much and am very proud of them.
and i will try to post the beer story soon, and photos on shutterfly.

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