26 January 2013


we got doats. that is, goats. three. i was intending to get one or two, but the breeder gave me an amazing deal to take all three siblings. so i did. of course.

what else could i do? after all, why pay more for two goats than for three? this one right here is the culprit.i was not intending to get a buck, but they wanted to keep this little bottle-fed runt with his sisters. i wasn't sure what to name him, so ryan named him Gruff. it's a misnomer if ever there were, but hubs doesn't get to name a whole lot around here. and he likes misnomers, and the boys really like that faerie tale, so i let him. Gruff is supersweet, and really pretty.

when i was about 12, my riding teacher got goats, and i decided promptly that one day i was going to have two goats named Ivy and Murielle. i've been waiting for them since. of course, it took my husband to make that dream come true, as well. we still are getting used to each other, but i really like them. a lot. i made the mistake of calling the white one Murielle a few times. then i decided she looks more like Ivy. but the boys don't agree.

isn't he a cutie? and he's so, so sweet. i'm hooked.

Ivy and Murielle? Murielle and Ivy?

sweet Gruffie!

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