30 October 2008

on happiness

i have been reading Josef Pieper "for my thesis," and the latest one is happiness and contemplation.  in this little book, which is in fact a royal treasury, he says,
"The meaning of [St. Thomas's] statement is not solely that God is happy.  The intention and the words [of the Summa] are:  "He is His happiness."  Indeed, "God and happiness are the same."  Any human being who is happy shares in a happiness that is not of himself."
whenever we are happy, then, it is because we are participating in God's happiness.  conversely, whenever we are unhappy, it is because we are failing to participate in God's happiness for us in the situation in which He has placed us.  whether we want it or not, He does, and we must find His will--His happiness--in this place and time, without wasting a moment on our unhappiness.
note on thesis:  i have a plan!  a new advisor, who is devising a no-nonsense plan that will get me through this, and she likes my topic!  can life get any better?  right at this very moment, with renewed Thesis vigor, my amazing husband, and even a little chill in the air . . . i submit that it cannot.

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